Team Clarity & Faster Decision-Making
A 3 month online program for a team of up to 20 people
Organizational Structure
A consistent, flexible, and scalable role structure designed to organize the work.
Holacracy Basics: Understanding Purpose
In Holacracy, purpose means “a capacity, potential, or goal that the Role will pursue or express on behalf of ...
Holacracy Basics: Understanding Accountabilities
Accountabilities are allocations of attention.
Conducting a Holacracy Governance Audit
Identify Holacracy sustainability issues, but be very very very very careful.
Holacracy Basics: Understanding Policies
Of the three basic governance constructs (accountabilities, domains, and policies), policies are by far the most misunderstood. Is a ...
Holacracy Basics: Understanding Domains
Domains: The Basics Domains are one of the three elements of a role/circle (the others are purpose and accountabilities). We ...
Writing Roles’ Accountabilities in Holacracy
Common pitfalls and easy fixes.
Rule of Law & Property Rights in Organizations
The keys to Holacracy’s distribution of power.
What’s Wrong With Your Organizational Structure?
Formal, extent, and requisite structures.