Sally McCutchion

Leading Beyond Hierarchy

I support growing, purpose-driven businesses to lead beyond hierarchy. I have a background in senior leadership and an innate understanding of the challenges that businesses face. I have supported businesses in the UK, Europe and globally with the implementation of self-organisation. As a coach, my own personal development and growth has impacted my work greatly and I naturally create safe spaces for leaders and teams to learn, grow and connect.

On becoming a licenced Holacracy Coach, I delivered a number of workshops introducing leaders from around the world to the principles and practices of Holacracy. Broadening my depth of work, I became certified as a Consciousness Coach to support the human aspects of working together. I’ve been interviewed for a number of podcasts including That People Thing, Being Human and The Conversation Factory. My niche area of work is supporting new paradigm management practices with grounded human principles. I worked with leaders and organisations from various industries in UK, Canada, USA, Netherlands, Germany, France and Belgium.

Sally mccutchion
United Kingdom

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Sally McCutchion


Autonomy Is A Mindset

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