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The Meetings Revolution

Do you lose the will to live in meetings and leave wishing you had spent the time on real work instead?

We equip teams to make painful meetings more productive and motivational in 6 steps in 3 months (using Article 3 of the Holacracy Constitution as a framework of practices- but without requiring full adoption of the Constitution)

So that every team member:

  • Gets what they need from every meeting.
  • Supports others to get what they need from every meeting.
  • Leaves inspired to take their clearly documented next steps.

Program Overview

With over 12 years of experience in practising, delivering and training Holacracy, Holacracy Master Coach Nick Osborne designed this program with the recognition that although Holacracy is considered by many as the gold standard for self-organizing teams, it is not a good fit for all organisations for many different reasons.

The program is derived from the core Holacracy practices in Article 3 of the Holacracy Constitution for running Holacracy Tactical Meeting, but the unique value is that it has translated it to become more accessible and easy to introduce into your team in small, easy, bite-sized steps- framed in the program as 27 keys.

A team taking this program can choose to introduce as few or many practices that work for them. The program is for a team of up to 20 people and lasts 3 months.

Next Steps

3:30 PM
5:00 PM
HOST & Language
Nick Osborne
Discount available for Discount available for organisations who can’t pay the full price due to where they are in the world, or are not-for-profit or just starting. We have a Fair Pricing Policy and want our programs to be affordable for everyone, everywhere. Get in touch to let us know what you would consider a fair price for your situation and why and we’ll consider it.

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