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Holacracy Intro Webinar

45 min overview of Holacracy from its creator, Brian Robertson

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Welcome! I’m Brian, the primary developer of Holacracy.

I’m here to give you a quick tour of what Holacracy is all about. But I’ll also go beyond just talking about Holacracy and share more about self-management, the broader category that Holacracy fits within.

We’ll discuss ‘why self-management?’ and look at its benefits, as well as how it addresses key challenges of today’s world.

Then, I’ll guide you through an upgrade path with five steps or building blocks that Holacracy is organized around. These are the five modules that can help transition your organization from its current state to an adaptive, self-managed system.

By the end, I hope to leave you with a vision of what a transition pathway to self-management might look like, and why it matters.

— Brian Robertson

In this webinar, you will discover…

  • Why traditional management, once a revolutionary “social technology”, doesn’t quite cut it in today’s environment
  • What self-management and Holacracy are, and how they differ from traditional management
  • The 5 modules of Holacracy, and the value offered by each of them
  • How to map out roles and responsibilities in your organization in a way that’s clear but flexible
  • How the rules of engagement of Holacracy clarify what people can expect from each other — without needing to check with their boss
  • An effective and efficient meeting process for each team, with key principles that can make your meetings better right now
  • Why setting clear boundaries is the best way to give more autonomy to your employees, and how Holacracy makes them easy to define
  • A process that allows every team member to safely propose changes to the way their team works
  • A software tool that makes using Holacracy a whole lot easier
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Brian Robertson

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