Holacracy Election Process 101: Election Process Walk-through
Holacracy Practitioner’s Guide
Holacracy Practitioner’s Guide
The Integrative Election Process is detailed in constitution section 3.3.6 and is the final authority on the election process. This walk-through supplements the constitutional description with added coaching points and examples.
Facilitator makes space for questions. “We are holding an election for Secretary of the Marketing Circle. Popcorn style — any clarifying questions?”
Submit nominations to Facilitator using sticky notes in person (make sure they also put their own name on it) or chat if virtual. Have everyone enter a name into chat, then press Enter on keyboard on Facilitator instruction (“Type the name in the chat box, but don’t hit Enter. Anyone need more time? No, Ok. Then hit Enter on my count. 3…2…1…Enter”)
Facilitator reads each nomination and asks nominator “why did you nominate this person?” (e.g. “Tom you nominated Sally. Why Sally?”)
Facilitator asks each person if they would like to change their nomination. “I change to Sally because she seems to have a good handle on the rules and would make a good Secretary.”
Facilitator says who got the most votes and makes a proposal (nominee and term length), which the Secretary should capture in GlassFrog like any other proposal (select the “Hold Election” button). In a tie, the Facilitator may propose a candidate by:
Facilitator starts with the objection round (no clarifying questions, reactions, or amend steps). Facilitator may void the proposal and repeat from step 3 if the nominated individual raises an objection.
Congratulate newly elected role-filler and remind circle members that new elections may be requested before the term is complete.
If there is a newly elected Facilitator, than current Facilitator may only continue Facilitating the meeting with the new Facilitator’s permission.
Read “Introducing the Holacracy Practitioner Guide” to find more articles.
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