Holacracy Constitution 4.0 released
What’s changed from version 3.0.
What’s changed from version 3.0.
In the works for several months, the Holacracy Constitution v4.0 has now been released and formally adopted by HolacracyOne. More than just a document, this release signifies that Holacracy itself is now in version 4.0, and has integrated the learning from practicing Holacracy 3.0.
Version 4.0 is a major rework, including a simplified structure and some language tweaks to ease digestion of the legalese. The release notes are available if you wish, and this blog post offers a rough overview of the changes based on my interview with Brian Robertson in our Community of Practice about version 4.0. You can also watch the full interview below.
The evolution of the Constitution is tension driven — similar to how Holacracy itself works. Through practicing Holacracy, we note what doesn’t work smoothly, or the subtle ways people can still dominate the system, and changes are experimented with to address those issues. The potential changes are mentally tested when similar issues occur in real practice. When there’s a clear sense that a proposed change would address a core issue, it’s incorporated into the Constitution.
There’s a role at HolacracyOne for that: Constitution Steward, filled by Brian Robertson to date. The process to evolve the Constitution is a path of continual differentiation — itself also tension-driven. In the early days, there was no Constitution; the rules of Holacracy were only in Brian’s mind. Constitution v1.0 was written by Brian, who at the time was still holding this function “heroically”, outside of any organizational role. By the time of Constitution v2.0, a role in charge of updating the document had been created at HolacracyOne. In the most recent step toward differentiation, a new Accountability was added onto the role evolving the Constitution to define a process where other Holacracy practitioners can feed input to further evolve the Constitution. Further differentiation is likely to continue, driven by tensions…
This blog post was originally published on March 8, 2013
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