Affiliate Program Terms and Conditions

These Affiliate Program Terms and Conditions (“Agreement”) govern your participation in the HolacracyOne Affiliate Program (“Program”). By applying to and being accepted into the Program, you agree to abide by the terms outlined below.

1. Affiliate Enrollment

To enroll in the Program, you must submit an application through our website. We reserve the right to accept or reject any application at our sole discretion. You must have an established online presence and an audience that aligns with our brand and values to be eligible for the Program.

2. Affiliate Responsibilities

As a participant in the Program, you agree to:

  • Promote HolacracyOne products and services in a positive and ethical manner.
  • Only use the affiliate links provided by HolacracyOne in your promotions.
  • Follow all applicable laws and regulations, including Federal Trade Commission (FTC) guidelines regarding endorsements and testimonials (e.g., disclosing your affiliate relationship to your audience).
  • Maintain an active and engaged audience that aligns with our brand and the self-management movement.
  • Not use misleading, fraudulent, or spammy tactics to drive traffic or sales.

Failure to meet these responsibilities may result in the termination of your participation in the Program.

3. Commissions

3.1 Commission Rate
Affiliates will earn a commission of 20% on the total value of each successful purchase made by a referred customer. This commission will be paid for the entire lifetime of the customer’s subscription, provided the affiliate remains active in the program.

3.2 Active Affiliate Status
To remain eligible for lifetime commissions, affiliates must remain active. An active affiliate is defined as generating at least one (1) new customer per year. If no new customer is referred within a 12-month period, the affiliate will no longer be eligible to receive future commissions on existing subscriptions, though commissions earned up to that point will still be paid out.

3.3 Payment Schedule
Commissions are paid out quarterly via PayPal. You must have a valid PayPal account to receive payments. Commissions are paid out for all purchases that have passed the 30-day pending window.

3.4 30-Day Pending Window
There is a 30-day delay between the date of purchase and the time the commission is credited to your account. This delay accounts for returns, refunds, and payment disputes.

3.5 Payment Threshold
Payments are issued once your account balance reaches a minimum of 49 USD. If the balance does not meet this threshold, it will roll over to the next payment period.

3.6 Cookie Duration
The affiliate tracking cookie lasts for 60 days. If the user clicks on multiple affiliate links, the last cookie will take precedence, and the affiliate who referred the customer most recently will receive the commission.

4. Prohibited Activities

Affiliates may not:

  • Use paid ads (e.g., Google Ads, Facebook Ads) to drive traffic directly to HolacracyOne or bid on HolacracyOne brand keywords.
  • Use any form of spam or unsolicited communication to promote our products.
  • Engage in deceptive or misleading practices, such as “cookie stuffing” or generating fake leads.
  • Create websites or social media profiles that impersonate HolacracyOne or mislead users into thinking they are interacting with us directly.

Engaging in any of these prohibited activities may result in immediate termination from the Program and forfeiture of any outstanding commissions.

5. Termination

Either party may terminate this Agreement at any time, with or without cause. Upon termination, you will no longer be entitled to earn commissions for any future sales. However, commissions earned on referred purchases before the date of termination will still be paid according to the payment schedule.

If you violate any terms of this Agreement, we reserve the right to terminate your participation immediately without notice and withhold any unpaid commissions.

6. Intellectual Property

All materials provided by HolacracyOne (including logos, banners, product images, and promotional materials) are the intellectual property of HolacracyOne. As an affiliate, you are granted a limited, non-exclusive, revocable license to use these materials solely for the purpose of promoting HolacracyOne products and services.

You may not alter, modify, or misrepresent any of the provided materials. Upon termination of the Agreement, you must immediately stop using all HolacracyOne materials.

7. Limitation of Liability

HolacracyOne will not be liable for any indirect, incidental, special, or consequential damages arising from the performance of this Agreement. HolacracyOne makes no express or implied warranties with respect to the Program.

8. Governing Law

This Agreement will be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of Delaware. Any disputes arising from this Agreement will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Delaware.

9. Modification of Terms

HolacracyOne reserves the right to update or modify these terms at any time. You will be notified of any changes, and your continued participation in the Program after the changes take effect constitutes acceptance of the revised terms.

10. Contact Information

For any questions or concerns regarding the Affiliate Program or these Terms and Conditions, please contact us.