Adopt Holacracy

Like physical exercise, adopting Holacracy is difficult on your own, but much easier with a coach.

Is Holacracy Right for Your Company?

To start with, we recommend you browse through our free and inexpensive resources below. If after gaining more insight you are still interested, the best next step is to get a direct experience from experts.

Explore Our Resources

If you have time on your hands, consulting the many resources available online is a great way to get started. Here is a short compilation where you will get great value for your time.

Holacracy Deepdive Series Holacracy 101 Cover Img 1200px

Holacracy Introduction

Holacracy Book Cover


Attend An Intro Event

Get a packaged introduction to Holacracy with an opportunity for live Q&A. Holacracy experts across the world offer introductory workshops.

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Holacracy Intro Webinar

Available Now

Experience Holacracy with Experts

To get real grasp of how Holacracy works, you will need to try it. No amount of books or presentations will replace your direct experience. We recommend attending an experiential training or scheduling a private session for your team with a Holacracy Coach.

Best for individuals

Experiential Training

If you want to do more than scratch the surface, one option is to attend a foundational training. These public trainings provide in-depth knowledge and a direct experience of how Holacracy works in a simulated environment.

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Self-Paced Holacracy Practitioner Training

Available Now
Best for Teams

Private Session for Your Management Team

Experience Holacracy in your organization with your management team. Get a custom session from Holacracy Coaches. Ideal to build a shared experience with your team and get in-context advice on roll-out strategy. Talk to a Holacracy Coach:

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Still not sure where to start?

Our many Holacracy Coaches across the world will be happy to assist you.

How to Adopt Holacracy

There is no one way to adopt the Holacracy framework in your company. There are as many approaches as there are organizations: you will need to customize your roll-out plan to your unique context to minimize internal disruption.

Adopting Holacracy is not something you improvise. You need the help of a Holacracy expert — whether you become the Holacracy expert yourself or hire an external Holacracy Coach to support you.

Two paths available

Work with a coach to support you

Become the expert and do it yourself

A Holacracy Coach can help you as much or a little as you like. They can support your Holacracy roll-out directly and work with your teams, or they can work with you individually if you prefer to work with your teams yourself.

Working with a coach allows for most flexibility. It will generally be more costly but will save you a lot of time and minimize internal disruption.

We generally don’t recommend trying to adopt Holacracy entirely on your own, but it can be a viable option if you are ready to get trained and have experience rolling out organizational frameworks in organizations.

You will need in-depth training and preferably some direct experience working with Holacracy. Just like any practice, this is not something you can learn by reading and watching videos alone.

Working on your own will generally cost you most in time, and potentially be more disruptive to the company if you’re learning as you go.

Decisions to Make

While this section is not a guide to adopting Holacracy, here are a few things you will have to decide, to give you an idea.

Define the WHY

Articulate why your company is adopting Holacracy. It will serve as internal narrative and for measuring progress.

Holacracy modules

Which modules from the Holacracy framework you will adopt to start with.

Scope of adoption

Whether you adopt Holacracy in the entire org, or a specific segment.

Initial structure

Translate your org chart into an initial structure of Holacracy-style roles and circles.

Train your people

How you will train current workers and future workers joining the company.

Get Help from Holacracy Coaches

Whichever strategy you choose, we strongly recommend you talk with a Holacracy Coach. They’ll be able to orient you for your best next steps.

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